Steve's Dakota Grill · Brown Derby Road House · Raging Rhino

Thank you for taking the time to complete our online employment application. Please fill out the application below as completely as possible. This application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Personal Information

Are you at least 18 years of age and do you have the legal right to work in the United States?
Yes No
First Name (Required)
Middle Name
Last Name (Required)
Social Security Number i.e. - (123-45-6789)
Street Address / Apartment  
State / ZIP Code    
Home Phone (Required) - Area code and phone number
Other Phone - Area code and phone number
Email Address
Position Applying for:  
What is the salary you desire?   Hourly Rate Annual Negotiable



Are you looking for a full-time career position?
Yes No
When are you available to start?
What weekday hours are you available?
What weekend hours are you available?
How many hours are you willing to work in a week?
Which days are you available for work? M T W T F S S
How much notice will you need if a position is offered to you?
How many miles are you willing to travel to a position? mi.
Are you a Veteran of the US Military? Yes No
If "Yes" to the above, which Branch  
Date entered:
  Mth Yr
Discharge Date:
  Mth Yr
Highest Rank:
How did you hear about us?  
Have you ever worked for the TSAVARIS Corporation?   Yes No
Do you have any disabilities which you would need accomodations in order to perform the duties of your job?   Yes No
If "Yes" to the above, please explain  

Do you have any relatives that work(ed) for TSAVARIS Corporation?

  Where Where
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?   Yes No
(this will not, necessarily, bar you from employment), if "yes", please explain offense and disposition  


Enter most recent - Do not enter start and end date if the most recent is high school

Name of School
Type of school
Street Address
State / ZIP Code  
Start Date (Month / Year)
End Date (Month / Year)
Major Study Area
Other Studies

Recent Employment

List most recent first

Company Name
Street Address
State / ZIP Code  
Supervisor Name
Job Title  
Job Duties  
Start Date (Month / Year)  
End Date (Month / Year)
Start Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
End Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
May we contact this employer for a reference check?
Yes No

Company Name
Street Address
State / ZIP Code  
Supervisor Name
Job Title  
Job Duties  
Start Date (Month / Year)  
End Date (Month / Year)
Start Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
End Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
May we contact this employer for a reference check?
Yes No

Company Name
Street Address
State / ZIP Code  
Supervisor Name
Job Title  
Job Duties  
Start Date (Month / Year)  
End Date (Month / Year)
Start Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
End Wage Hourly rate or annual salary
May we contact this employer for a reference check?
Yes No

Name Address Phone Number Relationship

I certify that the statements I have made are true and correct and without material omission. I understand that making false statements or omitting pertinent facts is sufficient cause for rejection or dismissal from employment. I authorize obtaining information from any person(s), employers, educational institutions, licensing authorities, and/or law enforcement agencies concerning my background, work habits, skill or conduct on the job, with the exception of past employer(s) I have indicated that are not to be contacted. I hereby release such person or entities from all liability for damages for issuing such information.

By submitting this form:
I authorize any person, firm, corporation or other entity to furnish any information requested by the WINGS-BREW, INC. or its agents, “Reference Checks” relative to my character, police or criminal record, employment history, educational credentials or credit history. I further release and discharge any party delivering information pursuant to his authorization from any liability, claims, charges or causes of action which I may have as a result of the delivery or disclosure of any information requested by this employer. I certify that all the statements of this application for employment are true and complete, and I understand that any false, misleading or omitted statements shall be considered sufficient cause for my immediate discharge, if employed. Further, I understand that this employment application and any other company documents or statements made should not be construed as direct, implied or inferred contracts of employment between myself and this employer, and that, if employed, my employment is for no definite period and that my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without, just cause or without notice at any time, at the option of either myself or the employer .

Please take a moment to review your application.  Indicate that you have read the above statement by entering your initials in the box below.  To complete this application, click on the Submit Application button.

This Company is an equal employment opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age or disability. We assure you that your opportunity for employment with this Company depends solely on your qualifications.